SunGrow Betta Fish Indian Almond Leaves, Water Conditioner & Tank Treatment for Freshwater Aquarium
- Organic Catappa leaves that provide your aquarium with all-natural benefits. Rich in tannin and humic acids for the right pH level and adds beneficial minerals to your tank.
- Acts as a supplement for your underwater buddy’s diet and can also be nibbled on. Forms makeshift shelters for fishes to sleep under and are great nests for eggs to latch onto.
- Ideal for soft water or blackwater fish such as Bettas, Corys, Plecos and all species of shrimp. Catappa leaves release tannins into the water, which are good for the health of aquatics.
- Tannins deliver antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and algaecidal properties, which can help prevent and treat existing infections and parasites in an aquarium, such as Fin Rot, Pop-Eye, and even Ich or Velvet and more.
- Tropical fish use a floating leaf or a plant to anchor their bubbles, creating bubble nests. Simply add these leaves and watch your breeding tetra, guppy, platies, molly, cichlids or shrimp anchor their eggs!
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